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About us
Jimbo's Gourmet Foods 42164 is proudly made in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our products are manufactured in Southern Kentucky and the creation of Jim Rich a nationally recognized award winning chef. Jimbo over the years won 87 national awards for excellence. Jim is originally from Hamilton Ontario. While growing up he spent his summers in Charlotte, N.C., with his grandmother. There he started to learn to love to cook. In his words "I would spend the summer with her and beyond that, it's always been a thing with me to go into the kitchen and mess around with food".
Then, "I got interested in canning. I canned spaghetti, chili sauce, chili, every kind of jam and jelly, even chicken. It was a great way to spend time", Jimbo said.
Over the years Jim moved to Hendersonville, TN. There he took cooking classes. "I found it very helpful" he ."You come home with something every time, lots of new ideas and special recipes". "COOKING IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A LOST ART". Jim soon began breaking all time records for men cooking at Tennessee fair events. Winning sixteen blue ribbons in twenty-four hours and winning as many as eighty plus at the Tennessee State Fair. Over the years, his passion for canning and perfecting recipes of every kind from pies, stews, sauces, and jams led to Jimbo's World Class Hot Dogs a thriving business in downtown Nashville, TN. A business he later sold before forming Jimbo's Gourmet Foods in Scottsville, KY. Over the past twenty five years, Jimbo has worked to perfect barbecue sauces and meat rubs. These products are as natural as currently available ingredients allow. These products offer the best variety, quality, and taste of any like products available on the market.